No need to have advanced degrees to understand that the probability of dying is quite stable at 100% for quite a long time. The only thing in life that we cannot avoid is death. I have often met people drives this argument to justify their indefinite attitude towards nutrition. However, I have a different opinion. I have never sought to maintain health in order to achieve immortality. Good health is necessary, in order to fully enjoy life during the time that we released. Health is necessary so that we can fully exploit our potential throughout life and avoid a long and exhausting struggle with the disease. There are much better ways to die, and to live.
The higher the welfare of the population, the more people die from the disease of the rich, not the poor. Since the disease of the rich are so closely linked with eating habits, they can be called diseases of excesses in the diet. Most people in the Western world die from them. Therefore, these diseases are also called Western. In some Chinese rich districts disease is rare, while in other more often
The report by Richard Doll and Richard Oxford University was held conclusion that only 2-3% of cases of cancer due to genetic factors. China’s population is almost uniformly from the genetic point of view. Therefore, the participants of “The China Study” began to search the relationship of disease with the terms of the environment, lifestyle and nutrition.
Indicators in the districts, where most met some types of cancer, were 100 times higher than those in the districts where they are met less often. It was interesting, in connection with which there are incredible differences?
Disease and illness of the poor rich
During the study all disease were divided into 2 groups. Diseases of the rich – the ones that are most often found in economically developed areas, and diseases of the poor – those that occur in poor rural areas. Let us dwell on the illness of the rich. These include cancer, diabetes and coronary heart disease.
Scientists have found that one of the major causes of diseases of the rich – a high level of blood cholesterol. 3.3 mmol / l – average blood cholesterol level in China at the time of study. In some districts, it was only 2.1 mmol / L. If you know your cholesterol levels, you realize how low these two figures. But a few years, the level of cholesterol in the blood of the rural population of China has grown. .
This is despite the fact that China has a very low average level of cholesterol in the blood, compared with Western countries. Now imagine a country, which the resident of the blood cholesterol level is much higher than the average in China. And it’s almost all Western countries, the countries of Europe, including Russia.
Under the threat of not only heart
Few people know that the higher level of cholesterol in the blood to be feared, not only heart disease and cancer. Now you need to answer the main question: what impact on the level of cholesterol in the blood has the power?
Animal proteins
30-40% of the calories we consume fats accounted for. Our food was so much fat contain the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the late XIX century. Since the well-being grew, we began to consume more and fattier meat and dairy products Chinese studies have found a positive correlation between the consumption of animal foods and increased levels of cholesterol in the blood. Thus consumption almost without exception nutrients derived from food plant, correlated with a decrease in blood cholesterol levels.
By increasing the consumption of animal protein (milk, eggs, meat, fish) cholesterol rises.
With increasing use of vegetable proteins (dietary fiber, cellulose, vitamin vegetable origin (carotene, B2, B3), light-colored vegetables, legumes, potatoes, carrots, fruits, cereals) cholesterol is lowered.
If you flip a coin three times and three times the eagle falls, likely it was an accident. If you flip a coin a hundred times and each time will fall an eagle, you can be assured that this coin eagle on both sides.
Animal proteins have a negative impact on health.
We can monitor their health through nutrition.
The body knows how to send a calorie is not the formation of body fat, and to perform more useful functions, such as metabolism, warm the body, maintain and increase physical and mental activity.
The conclusion is simple: eat as many fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and you heal your body and prevent the development of many diseases. Vegetarian dishes include many wonderful foods that you should eat as often as possible. It is easy to switch to plant-based diet can be harmonious with the “recipe”. Do not forget about physical activity and gather the courage to perform detoxification. Drink more pure water. Infinitely believe in yourself and keep a positive attitude.