Symptoms and Treatment of Apathy

What is Apathy?

Doctors believe that apathy – is a reflex to protect the body from “burnout”, when the nervous system, and the emotional sphere are overloaded and cease to deal with a huge amount of incoming external signals, each of which is necessary react, to perform a particular action. 

Apathetic people almost immediately noticeable to others as he shows no emotion, he does not care what is happening around, it does not have the internal motives and intentions to anything, and there is no desire but to lie down and do nothing. Often in this situation, people say “I’m depressed,” but depression – is a completely different concept.

Apathetic people most of the time almost motionless, he does not go anywhere, he cannot even get up out of bed, do not wash or comb. He feels sluggish, tired and exhausted.

Where does the apathy? 

 Most often apathy develops due to an illness (severe cold, for example), vitamin deficiency, emotional and mental exhaustion, experienced as a result of the crisis and long-term physical or emotional stress.

Other causes apathy may be mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, or any other disease. Therefore, if a protracted lethargy (two weeks or more), there are lapses of memory or difficulty of intellectual activity, such apathy should be referred to specialists. If the person does not possess a strong character, he may fall into the other extreme, namely, will “help” them to cope with the apathy with drugs or alcohol. This decision not only does not help to cope with apathy, and a few times will increase the symptoms, and even add other difficulties.

As you know, fight fire with fire. Start the fight against indifference to everything you need to further aggravation of the state of mind. Required to bring the situation to absurdity, perhaps yourself: Oh, what I’m poor and unhappiness-and-

Symptoms of apathy

About the symptoms of apathy mentioned above, however, it should go back to them again. Symptoms include:

  • indifference;
  • laziness;
  • inexpressive speech;
  • isolation;
  • desire for solitude;
  • lack of initiative;
  • Sadness for no reason.

Symptoms of apathy need to know not only in time to recognize it at home, but finding her friends and loved ones, how to identify this disease alone can be very difficult at times

 Pampering yourself

  • Buy a new thing that previously spared no money; 
  • Go with a friend in a cafe, order something delicious. 

After all, we live once! Why not at least occasionally indulge yourself how much would it not worth it? Especially these actions ultimately help to get rid of the apathetic mood. Think of them as part of the therapy – because this way you are struggling with indifference to the outside world.

Do some Treatment of apathy 

Before talking about how to get rid of apathy, need to make the correct diagnosis.. When it comes to serious diseases: schizophrenia, depression, alcoholism, then without pharmacological treatment is almost not enough. After all, you will agree, it is pointless to treat an alcoholic apathy, not affecting the underlying disease. 

In the case where apathy is an extreme form of (a person for no apparent reason, and for a long time, completely indifferent to everything around him, myself, food intake, appearance, suffering relatives), shows the beginning of an emergency hospital treatment. Such a condition is directly threatening the lives and health of the patient. Apathy can be treated by methods of psychotherapy, but reiterated that their selection should take into account the underlying that their selection should take into account the underlying cause of the disease.

Help professionals

Initially, you can contact the district physician. Listen to your complaint, it should tell you about the need to visit a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Identify the sources of your condition can help doctors and such as endocrinology, cardiology and oncology. The reasons can be quite apathetic and physical nature. In order to eliminate or to confirm such an embodiment, the medical conduct a complete examination of the patient, which includes, among other things, complex analyzes.

Treatment by a psychiatrist, neurologist or therapist also begins with the diagnosis. For each patient, we develop an individual treatment regimen.

In that case, if the disorder is a symptom of schizophrenia, you must provide special training and use of drugs (not apathy caused by psychological and physiological causes).

If the source of a disease appears neurasthenia, are popular psychotherapeutic influence and psychological correction. Psychotherapy helps a person to understand what is happening to them, and has a positive effect on the treatment of this disorder.

The basic medication, by which apathy is void are:

  • Antidepressants: frequently used in medical practice, particularly if apathy conjugate depression.
  • Vitamins have a supportive and restorative effect on the body.
  • Antipsychotics and tranquilizers: patient needed when apathy different destructive tendencies and is accompanied by excitement.
  • Stimulant medications: apply in the event that is characterized by apathy, lethargy and apathy.
  • Diuretics: relieve brain swelling in traumatic injuries.
  • Be attentive to him and his condition. Do not expect the disease will retreat itself. Your mental health is in your hands.





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