Things You need to know about Sun Tanning.

Things You need to know about Sun Tanning.

Summer is in full swing, and all rush to the beach to get a nice bronze tan. What effect the sun has on the body?

In reasonable quantities of the sun’s rays are invaluable for the body: they have an antibacterial effect, normalize the nervous system, strengthens blood vessels, promote the production of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium and protects against metabolic disorders, leading to the development of heart disease and diabetes.

Under the influence of the sun is produced in the human body which depends on sleep, appetite and mood. According to doctors, moderate doses of UV rays are useful for those suffering from various skin diseases such as, eczema, psoriasis. They also help relieve the symptoms of premenstrual women.

According to doctors, moderate doses of UV rays are useful for those suffering from various skin diseases such as, eczema, psoriasis. They also help relieve the symptoms of premenstrual women.

Tanning: how it happens process of pigmentation in the solarium and the sun is almost the same so it does not really matter what where you sunbathe I n the sun or in the solarium. Besides tanning in a solarium is retained as long as the natural tan obtained outdoors. Yet to tan was nice and did not cause harm to your health should adhere to certain rules. Lights up according to the rules first of all, need to know what personal tanning programs depends on the individual skin type, this also depends on the choice of an appropriate cream Sun.

A wrong cream can negate all your efforts, and instead of a beautiful golden tan you can get dark spots, flaking and redness. Therefore, before going to the solarium you need to buy a special cream, designed for tanning and appropriate for your skin type. For owners of dry skin, preferably after a session in the solarium further nourish the skin moisturizer. If you go to a tanning salon for the first time, the duration of the session should be no more than 5-7 minutes. During this time, you probably will not see the result, but the skin will be prepared for these more intense sessions.

The maximum duration of the session should not exceed 10 minutes, and a break between your trips to the solarium should sostavlyat1-2 the day, if you want to sunbathe in a very short time you can visit a solarium in a day, but then you have a few minutes to subtract the length of stay under active ultraviolet rays .

For easy beautiful tan will be enough 5-6 trips to the solarium 6-8 minutes, enough to maintain the result and one campaign in one or two weeks for 8-10 minutes. In the solarium the most sensitive areas of the body (eyes and breasts) must be protected, so during the session, always use special glasses that protect your eyes from UV radiation, and Stikine (special sticker on the nipple) breast.
Before tanning the skin is recommended to clean as perfumes and cosmetics (not intended especially for the Sun) may contain substances that create problems in fire and, among other things, spoil acrylic glass solariums. We recommend using special cosmetics for tanning. She cleared most of the “extra materials”, is made ​​of natural ingredients, it prevents drying of the skin and gives a beautiful shade of tan.
The second view of the intensity of the sun is a river tan. It is different from the color of the sea, and that lasts longer, since exposure to the sun causes a moderate cumulative effect. Finally, there is a tan from tanning and tanning. The last – this is not quite tanned. This stimulation of the substances that are part of the means for tanning the protein keratin contained in the epidermis, why it changes color.

Extending the life of your tan
Since your body is normally naturally detaches the upper layer of skin every 28 days, you literally lose millions of dead skin cells every day!
If your skin is dry, the cells of the skin peel off intensively. These are the same cells of the skin that contain melanin, generated in the process of tanning – the same cells that give your skin that nice golden color! Although you cannot prevent the natural process of exfoliation, you can keep the skin moisture at a sufficient level to ensure that these processes were faster than they are already taking place. On wet skin tan retained significantly longer than the dry.

The main rule of safe tanning: do not rush. Quick tanning is not possible without the risk of burns, especially if the skin is not prepared. To photo biological reactions of the body it takes time. If the skin receives too much UV-ray, it will cause only one reaction organism – redness, dryness, temperature and subsequent exfoliation.