1O TIPS How to care lips at home

1O TIPS How to care lips at home

Lips are the soft organ of the human body that catches the eye when we look at the man. When we talk or smile, our lips attract attention almost more than eyes. Lips cannot be disappeared; they are always in front of others.

Whenever you speak or smile, your lips convey your expression more than eye. That is why proper care of the lips is so important. We know that the skin of the lips is very sensitive. On the other hand, if you want your lips are healthy and beautiful, but not willing to pay for expensive products, we will tell you what to do and how to use your lips were really attractive.

How to care for lips
Every day, take a green tea: it restores the water balance and improve blood circulation.

The lips must be completely cleaned after makeup.

Honey is always a best lip scrub, but if you have allergies, then tries another recipe: grind olive oil and rose water.

This mixture should be softly massaged on two or three times a week.

Once a week, make a light acid peels: clean the lips with tomato and grapes .But remember that citrus fruits for this purpose should not be used.

Olive oil, which is often recommended to be used for the beauty of lips. You can moisturize it with grape seeds.

If you want as long as possible to preserve the beauty of the lips, think of your teeth.

Exercises for beautiful lip shape
This set of exercises will not take much of your time, but will serve for you as an excellent prevention of lips skin. You can do it in the morning before applying makeup or in the evening before bedtime.

Heave the lips and exhale as if blowing out a candle. After exhalation – relax your lips. Repeat 8-10 times.

On the inhale inflate the cheeks, and begin to exhale – slowly and evenly, as exhalation starting to push out the air.

The eye area should be relaxed. Repeat 8-10 times.

You need to express and say the vowels A, I, O, U, N. Repeat 10 times.

Relax your mouth and close your mouth. Repeat 15-20 times.

Push the Power jaw left and right with the lips so that the movement starts from the mouth. Repeat 20 times.

Stick out your tongue as far forward, stay in at the point for a few seconds, then pull your tongue and relax your lips.

Repeat 5 times.

Use Banana mask:
It is said one of the most favorite masks for lips is banana mask. Mix the pulp of banana with a teaspoon of sour cream and apply on the lips for 10 minutes. Banana has excellent nourishing and moisturizing properties, so the lips after such a procedure turn very soft and smoothly.

Cream mask:
Apply on the lips thick layer of cream and leave for 15 minutes. Instead, you can use sour cream yogurt. Once the yogurt is dry, apply another layer of yogurt, and then another. Since the last coat of yogurt mask soak for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing balm or Chap Stick.

There are a few important points lip care in winter:

Always use hygienic lipstick with SPF, especially in winter;

Do not overuse lip gloss: it contains a lot of wax, which instantly freezes in the cold and dry mouth;

Do not massage the lips with a toothbrush as advised many magazines, it is too rough;

Add to the diet of pumpkin, fig and avocado – lips like tissue;

Quit smoking! Tobacco stains and dry lips.

Massage Lip:
Daily massage lips show the results in a month. This procedure is good because it does not take much time. The most effective are:

Massage toothbrush.
You will need a toothbrush with soft bristles. Soak it in a circular motion and massage her lips. Do not overdo it – the skin on the lips soft and much of the rough, careless movements may be damaged.

Massage with ice.
The gauze wraps a piece of ice and drives them to my lips a couple of minutes. So you will ensure a good flow of blood by which to increase the volume of lips.

Massage with scrub.
Apply a lip scrub with a fine abrasive and do massage with light circular movements. As a result, you will get not only beautiful, but also cleaned of dead skin particles lips.

I recently discovered a potato mask for lips and left her very happy. I rubbed grated raw potatoes for the skin around the eyes and mask off the area under the eyes. Not knowing what to do with the remains of potatoes, I decided to try to impose it on the lips. After potato mask lips became very soft and smooth.