How to make soap at home

How to make soap at home

Learn how to make homemade soap, you will find yourself in a double win. Firstly, it will solve the problem of necessary gifts, and secondly will not get bored on a winter vacation.

Today homemade soap-making is gaining popularity. .Perhaps everyone who has ever tried to cook soap at home, falls in love with this exciting hobby. How to make soap with their hands from the soap base? This question is asked by everyone who would like to try at least once to make your own personal and unique piece of soap. Many people have fear that making the soap is very difficult, very expensive, and it is better to go out and buy ready-made soap than tinker with his cooking. In fact, everything is very simple – just follow the clearly given instructions that we give below.

Soap in the home – its advantages

You can add the natural supplements that are suitable for your skin type.
It can be a variety of vegetable and essential oils, honey, decoction of herbs, citrus zest, natural coffee, oatmeal, seaweed, flowers, chocolate pieces,, etc. At the same time you and your family will always be confident in the effectiveness and naturalness of domestic soap, because it is like home cooking, done with the soul, and only high-quality products.

The first and most important property – you know the composition of the soaps because you personally to select and add all the ingredients you need. The second property is the very basis of soap. It does not contain harmful substances (about the composition of the soap base and its variants, your piece of soap can bring joy to you and your family and friends. Just imagine – the original flavor and color of the works created by you will be presented with a lot of pleasant emotions to those who will use it your piece! Stay on the site and you will be informed of creating a unique masterpiece!

Ingredients Soap home

So, for the preparation of soap you will need:
The soap base. You can buy a special transparent or white soap base in a specialty store or use the usual children’s soap. White soap base is almost no different from the children’s soap, except that no odor. But transparent basis will make a very beautiful transparent soap. But newcomers better trained on children’s soap.
Base oil – almond, olive, peach, apricot, it can be anything.

The essential oil. The choice of oil depends on the needs of your skin. For example, tea tree is suitable for oily and problematic skin, orange – saturate the skin with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, ylang-ylang – rejuvenate sensitive skin.
Dyes. You can buy special dyes for soap or use food coloring. Making soap can be color and using natural products: cocoa, chocolate, fruit and vegetable juice.
Additives. In order to give your soap extra features can be added to a variety of additives: glycerol, cream, honey, extracts of herbs, dried flowers. And if you want to cook soap scrub, add ground coffee, oatmeal, ground nut shells, etc.

Utensils for the water bath.

Molds for soap. You can use any molds: confectionery, children, special forms for soap, any plastic or ceramic container.
The alcohol to lubricate the surface of the molds.
Warm milk, broth or water to dilute bases.

Homemade soap baby soap

Soap is the process is very interesting and very exciting, as the benefits of handmade soap, you can write a whole book. For all who are interested in this subject, I want to tell you how quickly and easily you can cook homemade soap baby soap. It is important to learn a few basic rules of technology and include your imagination. And over time, you gain experience; you can be a great soap-boiler.


You will need 100.0 very simple children’s soap. Be sure to pay attention to its composition, it should be no additives, flavorings, add cream, or any unpleasant moments when boiling soap, and we do not need.

100.0 Milk
1 tbsp olive oil
A couple of drops of your favorite essential oil (I had cinnamon and vanilla), you can do without it.
1 tbsp honey or sugar
Recipes soap at home.
Let’s first look at what we need.
Children (or more) pieces of soap 4-5
Water (juice, broth, tea, etc.) – 200 ml
The oil (olive or more) – 200 ml
The amount of these ingredients will take as a basis for any recipe. We also need:
Two pan for water bath
Cookie cutters, preferably heat-resistant (children, cups, silicone molds for cakes, etc.)
This is what is necessary.
Not necessarily, but very pleasant and beneficial ingredients:
Essential oils
Vitamin E
Scrub (coffee, coconut, ground nuts.)

Homemade Soap “Coffee”

Make a weak solution of coffee (instant or cook). On 4 slices children’s soap we need about 200 ml of coffee. Soap dissolves in the coffee solution on a water bath and added to 200 ml olive oil (possible). When the mass is melted and smooth, add 4 tsp ground coffee, and remove from heat. After a few minutes, a few drops of essential oils (orange and cinnamon). Fill all of the forms and decorate the top with coffee beans.

Homemade Soap “Honey”

To make this soap is better to take glycerin soap yellow. Dissolve soap in the water and add the 2 tablespoons honey and olive oil in place of – glycerol in an amount of 3 tablespoons not bad will happen if you add a few drops of orange or tangerine essential oil.

Homemade Soap “Cleansing”

This soap can be used advantageously for the purification of oily skin as it has a strong disinfectant action. For its preparation we need:

baby soap – 100 g
1 tbsp camphor alcohol
1 tablespoon ammonia
1 tbsp glycerol
0.5 tsp citric acid,
100 ml of hydrogen peroxide
2 cups water.