8 tips to raise healthy and happy children

8 tips to raise healthy and happy children

Every parent would like to know how to raise healthy and happy children, but even with knowledge, they are not applied in practice. The problem is basically the lack of proper knowledge on how to raise healthy and happy children. Therefore, we will write about important tips of how to raise healthy and happy children.

Love to take Responsibility:
you have to understand that the responsibility for the child’s health and education is not on the doctors and teachers, this is just the responsibility upon you. For the sake of the child will have to arrange the furniture,and have to regular pay attention to the childs habit. If you are not willing to take responsibility, then you probably is not ready to become ideal parents. Remember the principle: “Raising a child is training himself!” And you have to change and get better, for to get your child to be happy and healthy.

Be yourself healthy and happy
In the first place, that would raise healthy and happy children, you need to be happier person. Therefore, you first need to start self-development, process of child for to improve themselves and, to get rid of bad habits. Then you will become happy and healthy It all depends on desire and determination.

free yourself and family from alcohol
you first need to understand your relationship and family. At first, you just need to tell your child the awareness of all the alcohol stuff. Alchol can ruin the children life if you did not give him proper guidance.

Find the most useful sports that your child will like. Swimming, running, walking, cycling, tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, skiing, rowing are more loveable sports.

Give children time to self-development
It is better to educate children through practice and errors. Learn to talk less and do more. Thus, children from early childhood begin to self-development. But if you don’t know what are you teaching to the childrens. it will makes no sense to advise children what you do not yet know.

Do not insult and humiliate
Children as well as you will always make mistakes. It is unnecessary to compare them with, and if they made a mistake, you must support them and say don’t worry you will improve soon. Then your child will realize the error and try to improve the mistakes in better way. Some parents make mistakes, comparing himself with the children, and due to small errors begin to humiliating and insulting the childrens when they commit mistakes. You must not do these child abusive.

Create a normal family and relationships
The main desitination is to raise healthy and happy children, is how you create a happy and proper family. To do this, choose the right passion and love.

Remember universal tips:

I sincerely love and accept the child as it is for
Promotions should be much more than punishments.
Permits must also be more than prohibitions.

For example, any instructions should be given to the child in a positive form: “Be a good girl” instead of “Do not be a fool,” or “Tell the Truth” instead of “Do not lie,” etc.

It should exclude any indirect effects on the child, discussing and comparing it to the third person with him.
Avoid family squabbles and conflicts with the child.

Pay as much as attention to the child with his feelings, desires and needs. Spend more time with him in joint walks, communication and games.

In no case do not use psychological or physical violence in any case.

Treat your child with respect natural rights and freedom.

Do not show the child their negative emotions,

Grow confident children.

And here it is one of your most important tasks of life: you need to improve self-esteem of a child and teach him to love themselves. This is the greatest gift that you can do it! And then no matter how much money you have, which school they will give you, what house you live, where you go to relax – your kids will still grow confident people.In today’s world, more than 60% of people do not believe in yourself. If we talk about our country, this figure will grow.

And the main reason is the wrong education
The child is to be trusted An other rule rule for rasing child is the acceptance of the fact that your child should be trusted. Do not walk behind him, so he did not fall, do not hurt yourself, and what to do with them not. Thus the child learns self-reliance, as a parent to the child learns to trust.

The opinion of the child
Do not ignore the views of the child. It is not necessary to impose anything, if your child is positively against any options, it is best to choose something else.