5 interesting Tips How to lose weight

5 interesting Tips How to lose weight

Half a century ago, the main problem of many nations was global warming. But now overweight has become real disease for people. The problem of losing weight is very relevant in today’s world. There are many methods, diet, and means for losing excessive weight. Many of them are the extreme and dangerous to health.

Perhaps you have tried one of these dangerous methods for losing excess weight, but again came to the question of how to effectively lose weight without harming health. If you want to effectively lose weight, not gain, reset, gain-to lose weight, choose for themselves the best and most effective way to lose weight: the right weight loss in a healthy way

The golden rule of weight loss:
To lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you spend. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Take foods which are rich in fiber, vitamins, positive effect on digestion. But remember that not all fruits and vegetables promote weight loss. For example, bananas contain a lot of sugar, and figs and olives – fat. Do not rush immediately to exclude these fruits from your diet. Despite this, they are very helpful, just around the need to know when to stop. Eat one banana a day, but eat more apples, carrots and oranges.

Fruit and vegetable diet does not mean that you can easily eliminate from your diet meat. Food should be healthy, balanced and complex; the body must receive the entire set of necessary elements. Replace fried meat boiled. A garnish can be boiled or baked in the oven vegetables.

Another secret to proper weight loss without dieting at home, it is water. 30-40 minutes before a meal you should drink a good glass of clean water. Drinking water will prevent dehydration. In addition, a glass of water before a meal will fill your stomach a little bit, and you will eat less. Normally it considered necessary daily drink about 2 liters of clean water.

If you cannot give up the bread at all, it is better to replace the white bread with black. Black bread baked from a coarse grain. It has more dietary fiber and B vitamins than white bread.

Some Proven tips

Do not eat after 18 hours (if you are very hungry, you can drink a small glass of low-fat yogurt before bedtime).
Eat only natural and fresh products. No semi-finished products and substitutes!

Drink about 1.5-2 liters of water a day. It is water, instead of tea, coffee, beverage, etc.

Consistently exclude from your diet bakery products from flour, cakes, pastries; refined sugar; foods containing saturated fats (fatty meats, lard, fatty dairy products) and trans fats (margarine, it’s a lot of different sweet pastries and cakes).

Include in your diet more fresh fruits, vegetables and freshly prepared juices.

Once a week to arrange a fasting day, or a day diet, which there are many.

You can arrange a “hungry” day 1-2 times per month, using only water. Such a day is useful for removing toxins from the body.
Sleep 7-8 hours a day. It is essential for normal metabolism.
Move more and breathe fresh air!

Begin to perform simple exercise.

Approximately 1-1.5 weeks after the start of an effective weight loss start to do exercise to lose weight. Of course, you can start training at once; it depends on your mental attitude.

Eliminate insomnia
Each active woman after forty years, faced with the problem of falling asleep, and sometimes insomnia. This happens not only because of the stress or the presence of problems, but also due to the emerging problems of the physical plane – such as snoring, pain, back pain, cramps, and so on, that prevent a good night’s sleep.
Researchers University of California found that the night’s sleep is a major factor in weight loss.

Studies have shown that defective sleep or the lack of it personally associated with an increase in body weight because of the action of hormones: which control the feeling of satiety and hunger.
Poor sleep quality can be fraught with weight gain. Another study showed that during sleep metabolic processes in the body are more active. The more we sleep, the more activated the mechanism of fat burning.

If you really decide for yourself to lose weight effectively, approach this issue very seriously and anyone or anything do not let yourself bring down the chosen path (especially do not succumb to their own entreaties to eat something tasty, but nutritious).

Choose a suitable time for yourself, a positive tune and do not give up early. Even if you are very overweight, you can lose the main thing – do not rush and believe in success. On the same day, when you are determined to lose weight effectively, you must believe you can do it.