The Best Use of Banana Mask

The Best Use of Banana Mask

Banana is a real treasure of vitamins and minerals and always very useful for skin to look amazing. Its nutritional properties are invaluable for our body. Useful substances, which are abundant in the banana, can have a delightful effect on the skin and hair. It is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Bananas contain vitamins A, B, C and E as well as minerals, normalize metabolic processes in cells. Masks with banana perfectly suited to any type of skin and deal with a number of problems – dryness, peeling, sagging, wrinkles, and many others. Therefore, daily consumption of bananas helps to cope with sadness and irritability.

The mask of banana: it acts on the skin?
Banana – a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other substances that are beneficial to the skin. For example:
Vitamin C – a natural antioxidant that slows the aging of skin, smoothing fine wrinkles;
vitamins B, which are necessary to preserve youthful skin, nails and hair;
Vitamin E, which prevents the cells to grow old;
Banana fiber structure does not irritate the skin and allows you to make this nutritious fruit, gentle face mask and hair.

Banana Mask: amazing results
Regularly using a similar mask, you are already in a very short time in the mirror to see the result of their magical action:

Fine lines become almost invisible;
Significantly improves the complexion;
Spots and redness of any origin will be virtually unnoticeable.
Now that you know what the miraculous banana mask, case remained for small: to go into the kitchen and cook it.
Masks of banana: the best recipes

You can find a lot of very different recipes for masks, which include banana. Choose only those ingredients that do not cause allergies, and you will always be at hand.
1. honey and cream
Banana medium size kneads, mix with honey (tablespoon) and heavy cream (2 tablespoons), and beat with a mixer a lot. Mask imposed on 15 minutes; remove with a cotton ball soaked in warm water.
2. egg yolk
You need to mix Egg yolk with olive oil (a teaspoon) and mix with half a banana pulp. This facial mask of banana should be washed off after 15 minutes with warm water.
3. egg white
Particularly useful would be such mask for oily skin. A small amount of banana pulp (tablespoon) mixed with lemon juice (a teaspoon) and egg white. Beat with a mixer, put on the face for 15 minutes. It is recommended to rinse with cool water.
4. With sour cream
Half a banana mash with sour cream (2 tablespoons) and put on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off this facial mask of banana cool water. Sour cream can be replaced with yogurt.
5. With milk
Half a banana rubs on a grater, mix with milk (2 tablespoons). Apply on face for 15 minutes, remove the weight can be a cotton ball soaked in warm water.
6. apples
Mashed banana (a teaspoon) and Apple (the same amount) mixed with olive or vegetable oil (a teaspoon) and egg yolk. To make the mass density, add flour. Mask overlay for 20 minutes. It is recommended to rinse with warm water.
7. Orange
Flesh half a banana knead, mix with the mashed orange (1 slice). Keep on the face we recommend 15 minutes, remove the mask, wet cotton swab and wash with water at room temperature. Not advisable to use a face mask with sensitive skin.
8. rice oil
Half a banana grate, mix with egg yolk, rice bran oil (a teaspoon). The resulting mush apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
9. lemon juice
Half a banana knead, mix with lemon juice (tablespoon). Apply on face for 15 minutes, wash with cool water.

10. honey

Mashed bananas (three banana medium sizes) shake using a mixer with pre-warmed honey (three tablespoons). Apply this face mask of bananas for 15 minutes, wash off with warm water.

If you have experienced the miraculous face mask, you can try, how effective hair mask with banana, which can be easily made at home. You will be able to shine not only the beauty of the radiant young skin, but also delightful cascade fortified by a banana hair.

TOP banana masks for all types of skin
Masks of bananas well suited for the care of all skin types, but they are particularly relevant for sensitive and dry skin. The presence in its composition of proteins, fats, vitamins will make your skin more soft and velvety.
Moisturizing mask for the face of a banana. Banana and milk:
This mask is literally a cure for dry skin. It is Very simple, accessible to everyone.

Cleansing masks for banana skin:
1. Banana-soda mask.

Banana chop, add a pinch of turmeric and soda. Mix well. The tool is applied to pat and hold for 20 minutes. Apply this mask should be no more than 1 time per week. Turmeric taken literally pinches quite a bit. Do not overdo it.

2. Coffee and banana mask

The recipe is similar to the previous one; only instead of soda take coffee grounds. This mask is a gently cleanses contaminated pores.

3. Banana-sandal mask for oily skin

Half of the banana is mixed with 5 g sandalwood powder added 1/4 tbsp liquid honey. All mixed and applied to the skin for 30 minutes. Wash with cool water.

Homemade banana mask can be prepared very quickly and easily.