3 tips on how to achieve personal growth in life crises

3 tips on how to achieve personal growth in life crises

Indeed every human being has crises in their daily live.When success becomes inaccessible. On the way there are dozens of obstacles and difficulties to be overcome. Such periods are not in vain. They give each of us an excellent opportunity to review your goals, develop ways of achieving them and succeed where others failed.

In modern psychology, personal growth meant above, as a result of significant and positive changes in a person’s identity. As much as we may call it – personal growth, personal growth, personal development, growth and personal development – all this in the first place positive changes in personality rights, strengthening of the rod and increasing the capacity of the individual.

It is not always clear what happened to the man, but in some cases it is possible to say, personal growth with a man occurred. Man can become his own survivor Main features of personal growth and development – its orientation, activity and scale.

When we all going well, we are rushing ahead without noticing anything around. We live, work and play by inertia.

Life crisis is the best time to stay with your dreams, admit that the chosen path is wrong and will have to change many things in my life. You need to get rid of fear and unnecessary attachments with bad people.



I understand that in the life of a crisis it is very difficult to adjust yourself. It could be betrayal of a loved one, a decrease of work, financial problems, and more. Even a simple reunion, where you see the more successful classmates, could plunge into a prolonged depression. The success of people who have had equal opportunity with you, “will give” you a feeling of self-doubt and fear complexes million.
Falling into sadness, depression, try to find a foothold. It was from her you will be building its new happy life. Psychologists do not recommend as a fulcrum to choose a loved one, hope to friends and relatives. Of course, each person needs psychological or material support, but to rely on it – stupid. You easily made a mistake, not trusting themselves, but on the other person.

Reliable point of support can and should look within itself. You can find it in the area that is least affected by the crisis. We cut down on the job? Turn your attention to the issues of home and family. Think, instead of whether you change profession or enhance their professional skills to build a career or To break off relations with your loved one? It’s time to take care of your mental and physical state, buy a nice fit and a subscription to the sports club, and regularly visit a cosmetologist at the worst, to build a career. It must be addressed, otherwise the pain of losing die, but will not disappear.

Analyzing the events do not have to go to extremes. Daily events thinking anything good you will not. To analyze the current situation is one, well two or three times, not more. Understand the causes, draw conclusions and forth with his head held high. Release the past in order to live in the present and the future.

Often during life crises we are reminded of its forgotten creative inclinations. Someone begins to write poetry, someone – think about the writing of this novel, someone – a draw or embroider. We open the brink of souls who long ago have been forgotten in the pursuit of a career, buy an apartment and a house, start a family and raise children. We realize that you have chosen the wrong strategy. The crisis is a light in those areas of our lives that need urgent intervention.

Career and business takes a lot of time and effort, and because of that time and energy should be focused on more important things in life. Immersion in the interests of a spouse makes us forget about their own “I” on their professional and personal plans. And when the world is falling apart, we think that our life is over. But this is not the case.


Be honest with yourself and do not be afraid of change. In nature, all processes are cyclic, so to replace the void in your life, be sure to come interesting people, new perspectives and plans. “Black Stripe” will remain far behind you, thanks to the tenacity and desire to overcome any difficulties. You get out of life crisis even stronger, wiser and more experienced.
Think of the crisis as an integral part of the way under the name of “life” that no one can avoid. Do not look at the “black bars”, as only one source of problems and negative emotions. Use them to relax and discover the talents.