Caring for the skin around the eyes: the best tools and tips

Caring for the skin around the eyes: the best tools and tips

As the saying goes, the eyes are mirror of the soul. It is very soft organs of our body., you need to really care for them. That’s why for centuries cosmetic brands create new products to ensure proper care for this delicate area

Aging Skin – a natural process and, unfortunately, irreversible. But regardless of individual characteristics of the face there is an area where the skin is most sensitive, and always the first to suffer from the appearance of wrinkles. It is the skin around the eyes.

Proper cleansing of the skin around the eyes

Before embarking on hydration and nutrition this sensitive area, it should be cleaned of makeup and urban dust. To do this, use milk lotions and tonics, but in any case not containing alcohol, – they dry the skin and make it more susceptible to external stimuli. The procedure for cleaning the skin around the eyes should be very delicate. It should not stretch the thin skin.
If time allows, remove the make-up as follows: soak in water or lotion two cotton pads and apply them to the eyes after 2-3 minutes in a circular motion from the outside corner of the eye to the nose, remove their makeup. If you move in the opposite direction, from the nose to the temples, the skin will be tightened, and this will provoke even more wrinkles.

Hydration and nutrition of the skin around the eyes

All cosmetic brands, which produce products for face, offer funds with a note on the label “for the skin around the eyes.” These can be creams, gels, lotions and serums, whose task is to saturate the thin skin with vitamins and moisture and smoothing, reliable protection. The less a part of the products of synthetic ingredients, the better, as any “chemistry” dries the skin.

One of the main components of modern skin care around the eyes are considered to be natural oils, has a softening effect on the skin for example, is jojoba oil, argan, shea butter, walnut, camellia and others.

Also, as part of such creams is necessarily present vitamin E, an essential in skin care – it is considered an excellent natural antioxidant, that is, protection against free radicals, slows the aging process of the skin and moisturize it deeply.

How to apply the cream on the skin around the eyes

The main thing to know about the rules of the application of cream for the skin around the eyes it is the cream should not hurt her. Thus, the friction and no rubbing movements should not be. One of the most unusual tips on skin care – apply the cream ring finger. A drop of cream or gel, apply on the ring fingers of both hands and clapping movements spread over the line from the outer corner of the eye to the nose. Do not apply the cream forefinger, as it is more powerful and can put pressure on the skin more than you need. The best time to use a cream skin around the eyes – in the evening before bedtime and in the morning after washing.

Massage the skin around the eyes

give some time in a day to micro-massage for your eyes. It helps to improve blood circulation, smooth out fine facial wrinkles on the skin around the eyes, and, gives the look fresh and radiant. Such self-massage is performed in the evening after cleaning the skin from makeup: close your eyes, take a pea cream for the eyelids or skin around the eyes, touch your index and middle fingers to the middle of his forehead that they touch. Take the eyebrows towards the temples light pinch movements. Then, from the nose to the cheeks move light patting movements. Repeat 3-5 times manipulation.

Pets mask for the skin around the eyes

There are many recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes and eyelids with a variety of ingredients and for different purposes. They are very simple to do, it is very inexpensive, and the effect you are sure you will appreciate.

Compress and a mask for the skin around the eyes with potatoes

The mask removes the bruises under his eyes and nourishes the skin. Cook the potato in a uniform, wait until it cools down, cut in two and put on 30-40 minutes on the eye. To make a mask, rub on a small grater raw potatoes (you will need 2 teaspoons) mixed with 1 tbsp. l. milk and 2 tsp flour. Apply the mixture on the skin around the eyes for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Eye Mask Honey

The mask is suitable for dry skin. Mix 2 tsp 2 tablespoons honey oat flakes and 1 tablespoon strong tea .Add water to mask gained consistency of thick cream. Heat the mixture on a couple, to steam flakes. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse the mask with warm, then cool water. Moisten skin cream after application.