List of the Diet Plans For Better Body Shapes

List of the Diet Plans For Better Body Shapes

The Hollywood 18 Day Diet
With this diet you consume only 585 calories per day, eating nothing but oranges and grapefruit. (This diet was sponsored by the citrus industry.)

2.The Pineapple and Lamb Chop Diet:
This concept was based on the theory that the pineapple absorbs the fat from the lamb chops and you won’t gain weight.

3.The Cabbage Soup Diet:
The cabbage soup diet may be the oldest fad diet still in use, it seems to resurface with a new name every 10 to 15 years. Dieters are supposed to follow specific menus for each day of the diet with the understanding that an unlimited amount of cabbage soup must be eaten each day. The weight-loss with the cabbage soup diet is water weight and is easily regained, when previous eating habits are restored. The most obvious side-effect of this diet is frequent flatulences.

4.The Amputation Diet:
This diet concept involves diuretics, enemas, clipping your toenails, wearing contact lenses instead of glasses, liposuction, breast reduction surgery”, donating a kidney and cutting off limbs.

5.The Paleolithic Diet:
The dieter can only eat foods available to prehistoric people, who were mostly starving because there was no agriculture or domesticated animals for food.

6.The Chocolate Diet:
This diet includes the daily consumption of chocolate and claimed weight-loss of seven pounds in two weeks due to the cholesterol-lowering health benefits of chocolate.

7.The Bread and Butter Diet:
This is basically a very low calorie plan (about 850 calories per day) that calls for a slice of bread and a teaspoon of butter to be consumed with each meal. It allows you to eat carbs and fats.

8.The 7-Day All you can eat Diet:
This is one of my favorite diet plans. Each day of the diet, you eat all that you want of a particular food group, such as, fruit on one day, vegetables on the next, chicken another day, beef on another and so forth. I like this diet plan so much because, you have to ask, didn’t “eating all that you wanted” get people overweight and obese in the first place? Now the same eating habit will make you lose weight, once its called a diet plan.

The ancient Chinese and even Chinese today, believe that the remedy for digestive ills and weight loss was simply to stick many acupuncture needles into the solar plexus and the abdomen.

10.The Rubbing Diet:
The principle behind this diet concept is that a vigorous rubbing would make fat disappear.

11.The Vinegar Diet:
This was started by the ancient Egyptians as a detox diet. The foul taste of primitive vinegar would induce vomiting and diarrhea, which means more weight loss.

12.The Sleeping Beauty Diet:
This diet concept has you sedate yourself for days with understanding beins; that you can’t eat while you are sleep, thus you will lose weight.

13.The Cotton Ball Diet:
The concept is that you eat cotton balls because they are low in calories, but they are very filling, so you won’t want to eat anything that is fattening. Cotton balls are high in fiber, but not the kind that you need in your diet.These diet programs are merely a small sampling of the diet systems that I’ve researched to create the Scaleless Diet Program, many have been “Best Sellers”. You can read full Fat Diminisher System Review here. My analysis has been so comprehensive that this finished diet system is virtually flawless and defies any objective criticism. Without a doubt the Scaleless Diet Program will be the last diet program that you will ever try or need. One of the main reasons that there is such a high failure rate in these diet system offerings, is that all diet fads and the majority of conventional diet programs are scams and solely interested in making profits.

Diet plans or fads, whether it be pills or meal plans, pander to the laziness and instant-gratification nature in most of us, especially when it comes to losing weight. Instead of encouraging those who invest in these diet systems to create a long-term healthy lifestyle, they prey on the desperation of those who have probably tried other programs and failed.

They believe that this new program was finally their real weight-loss answer and the results will be instant.One of the worst perpetrators of this dieting fraud are the programs that send you food. These programs make it so easy, that people who are sedentary, don’t even have to exert themselves to go grocery shopping.

The beneficiaries of these diet systems would never advertise what was actually required to make their programs work, because they wouldn’tsell a fraction of the memberships, specialty meals or pills that they currently do.Most diet plans and exercise programs, rarely factor in the commitment or lifestyle changes required of people, who have demonstrated very little discipline, especially when it comes to food choices. For better choices and loosing weight in a natural way If a person normally doesn’t eat the right foods or never regularly exercises, as soon as, they don’t see direct benefits from their sacrifices in dieting, they will immediately go back to their old habits.There is no “magic” or one pill solution to an effective diet program. Many people, who are attempting to lose weight are not really dedicated to the effort.

Consciously or sub-consciously, they are actively looking for a way out or the easiest way possible. When a pill is marketed as “quick and easy”, it is a red—flag to a sure scam. What could be easier for the unmotivated, than just taking a pill and watch the pounds disappear?

If you really want to lose weight safely and steadily, you must understand that it is a multi-tiered effort. Even though you may experience moderate weight-loss with some ofthese diet pills, after long term use, the side-effects can be quite dangerous. In spite of the drawbacks and ineffectiveness of diet pills, they still are a strong entity in the diet market, because too many people who are overweight want something for nothing.View ratingsRate this articleRate this articleArticle ratingsCurrent average ratings.Submit Ratings